Transform Magazine Healthy magazine


The “HAPPY” chapter will be dedicated to the outer and inner ways to bring happiness to our lives. Being happy is easier when you look good, feel good and are fit. Isn’t that what matters? Being
HAPPY” means that you can also make others happy.

Looking good…. feeling good. “
HANDSOME” will be the chapter concentrating on external beauty, sometimes the first step towards a transformation. From hairdressing to plastic surgery, our look has an impact on our day to day life. Privately and socially, improving our image is often a way to make a step forward for a better life. It also provides the necessary energy to make that vital second step. A better image is pointless if not accompanied by perfect fitness.

The “
HEALTHY” chapter will focus on the most practical ways to maintain good health, improving it or recovering it. Good health in general, and more specifically diet, exercise, teeth and smile, circulation, are issues that will be scrutinized not only by our team of experts but also by the common sense of our very own readers. Being healthy really can be the second step towards transforming our life.

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